Day Trips near Somewhere in Thyme B&B
Dodge City (30 mins away)
Boot Hill
Dodge City Days Pro Rodeo and festivities
Boot Hill Casino
United Wireless Arena (Sporting events and concerts)
Meade, KS (10 miles west on Hwy 54)
Dalton Gang Hideout
Meade County Museum Meade Lake and Park (Fishing, camping picnicking)
Montezuma, KS (25 mins away, Staugh Museum, and Wind Farm)
Liberal, KS (45 mins away) Dorothy's House, The Wizard of Oz, 45 mins away
Ulysses, Historic Adobe Museum
Lindsborg, KS " Little Sweden"
Abilene, KS (Home of President) Dwight David Eisenhower
Miss Scarlett's Room
The Whitney Ellison
The Courtney Elizibeth
Somewhere in Thyme Bed and Breakfast 703 Pine Street Fowler, Kansas 67844 620-646-6703
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